Monday, March 9, 2009

Life isn't good, it's excellent!

I went for my 26 week check up and ultrasound last Wednesday. The point of the u/s was to confirm the previa and see how bad the accreta looking. I had zero expectations of it moving but I'm thrilled to announce I was WRONG!. Amazingly, the previa moved - it's 2 cm from the cervix and I'M IN THE CLEAR! She didn't see any immediate signs of the accreta but Dr Hannon is still being cautious. I have another u/s at 31 weeks and probably an MRI. I think we're doing a c-section at 39 weeks and we're still going in as it may be a hysterectomy. I still have all the pre-term labor stuff going on but realistically I can manage it now as it won't lead to hemorrhage as it could have before.

I feel like a thousand pounds have been lifted off my shoulders. That night, I came home and rough housed w/ Piper for about an hour - I feel like I haven't been able to do that b/c I've been so scared of a big bleed. We read books and as we lay in her bed I started to get weepy. She kissed my belly and said "baby" and then she did something she's never done - she touched my eye (where I was crying) and then leaned in and hugged me. She's NOT a huggy kid at all. I lost it. It gets cuter - when I was getting ready to put her in the crib, I was thinking about how lucky I am to have her and a healthy baby and I realized that I was holding my whole world in my arms and body. I got choked up - she suddenly pulls back, touches my eye again and throws her arms around my neck. I start bawling - I'm so overwhelmed with love and relief. And it blows my mind that she can read me. I NEVER cry - but she knew exactly what I needed. How did I get so lucky? I'm so glad I'm going to be around for that little lady and the new one on the way....and that I can enjoy every day I have with her as an only child vs being tied to my bed. If God decides that I shouldn't have any more kids, so be it - I think I hit the jackpot with these two.

As for the baby bean - he/she is looking fantastic. 2 lbs 5 oz (69% percentile) and I'm measuring a week to two weeks ahead. Everything about the baby was perfect and healthy. :) Keep cooking little bean - I can't wait to see you and hug you in June!

1 comment:

Behan said...

great news AND an adorable scene with Piper? oh man... you got me too! I am so glad everything is OK, and it's wonderful to have that placenta migrate away! hugs to you-