Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weather vs Holiday wins. :(

OK - that's probably a little over-dramatic. It's not my worst nightmare - I have much worse that involve blood, crashing etc. However, last night was a doozy. My DD and I were flying to Chicago to see my family. I had actually changed my flight earlier in the week to a day earlier because of a pending ice storm in Seattle, so I thought we were going to be fine. I was very lucky to secure two first class seats (lucky baby!) and was prepared for a long, uneventful flight. Well, as we were leaving the house around 4 PM, it started to flurry...I had a bad feeling. We got to the airport, went through security easily and i headed to the gate. While I was in the airport, they switched the gate THREE times and not just little switches like C12 to C4, but entire terminals. UGH. So we schlep over to the N terminal, I secure some food for my daughter and we snack before the flight. I planned this flight b/c it' coincides with her bedtime - I was very optimistic she'd sleep the whole flight leaving me is silent bliss. know what they say about the best laid plans.
We got on the flight a little bit late and got settled. Family after family passed us so I was warmed to know there were a few babies on the flight including one other in first class. The snow was dumping at this point and the wind had picked up to about 30-40 miles an hour. Everyone got on the flight and we weren't' going anywhere. DD has limited patience for immobility, so it was starting to get frustrating for her, me and everyone around us. They had to de-ice the plane and that took about 30 min. We FINALLY pushed back from the gate about 1.5 hrs after scheduled take off and I called my folks to let them know. They were planning to pick me up in Chicago at 11:30 PM which made me feel bad, so this made me feel worse - they were going to be there at 1:00 AM! We get out to the runway and are in queue. The pilot sends back the first mate to check the wings for ice before we take off. Of course, we need more de-icer - so back to the terminal. They can't find a working gate so they park near one that doesn't work. Long story short, they de-ice teh plan and then 5 min later cancel the flight. As we were at a non-functioning gate, they had to bring up stairs and all of us had to descend from the back of the plane down VERY VERY slippery stairs, walk across the tarmac to the jet way and up some more VERY VERY slippery stairs. Thank god there were kind people that helped me carry things b/c we had the car seat, diaper bag, another bag...oh yeah the baby AND I'm pregnant.
There was a very kind woman (Pamela) who let me use her phone and I found out that I'd already been rebooked. I still headed into the terminal to get my bag, call my husband and check on my ticket. While waiting in line I saw so many moms and babies. One gal had a 2 month old and this other gal (Alissa) had a 10 month old - she happened to be the same gal from my flight! I felt so awful b/c she was separated from her husband who was stuck in Juneau with their three year old and she had no idea what she was going to do. I invited her and her son back to our house for the night and they stayed with us. We actually had a nice time and she was reunited with her husband and daughter this afternoon. Unfortunately, I just heard that all Alaska Air flights were cancelled again - I hope they either found their way home or a hotel room!

Well - what's the moral of the story? There are some very nice people in the world - nothing like a humbling experience to bring people together. A personal thanks to all the kind people who helped me with bags or offered to hold Piper in case my arms were tired. :) It makes me want to be a nicer person.

Friday, December 19, 2008

15w 3d and all is well

It's been a snowy few days here - we got 8 inches in one day, amazing for this area! Piper is so-so about the snow, I'm hoping she'll demonstrate some more enthusiasm when we get to the Midwest with all her cousins. We leave tomorrow between storms across the country but lucky dog, we get to go FIRST CLASS! :) There are all sorts of goodies to keep the 1 1/2 year old entertained including DVD's, Nano w/ Barney, Books, Coloring book and stickers. If she sleeps, it will be like winning the lottery. I can't wait to see my family and have some R&R.

Wee one is doing well - happy as a clam at high tide. I'm progressing (ie, getting HUGE) quickly and look much more like 26 weeks than the 15 I am. Oh well. Hormones have been making my life a little difficult...we're having strange heart issues but I'm working on checking it out w/ the Dr. Most likely it's just hormone surges and I'm a little sensitive.

We're having our family xmas tomorrow AM - matching Pj's, breakfast and opening presents. I can't wait to see Piper's face.

Happy Holidays and here is to a wonderful 2009 full of love and blessings.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Flittering of a Flutterby

13w 5d - I know I've been feeling this little one for the last two weeks. It's the subtle fluttering and twang as wee one bounces around like a pinball. Wee one - you're a busy baby already! We are days away from second trimester and I can't wait. I'm already majorly showing but hey, I don't mind. I reminds me that you're coming soon and how wonderful it will be to have another baby in the house.
Piper is busy as ever - walking and picking up new words everyday. Last week she learned " 'dis" or "this" and points at everything. It's cute. She's also signing "please" w/ some frequency. At the same time, she's perfecting the art of the tantrum, projecting her desires on everyone around her. I wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything.

I'm away from home for part of this week and I'm not loving it. Although I'm in a incredible place (La Quinta Resort), I miss my baby and family. Next trip, I'm bringing everyone with me. ;)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

10w2d BBII

I had a fabulous visit with Dr Hannon yesterday. We went in for our first check up and had an ultrasound. Baby is measuring two days ahead and had a HB of 158. :) I haven't felt pregnant since like 6 weeks so it was a relief to see little bean. I got to meet Jeremy, her nurses and i love him. We'll be seeing a lot of each other over the next few months. :) We have our plan set for the delivery - she won't let me go beyond 39 weeks and for some reason things I might labor on my own. :) We're going to have an MRI at 28 weeks or so to see if they can see accreta and then we'll plan for worse case scenario which could include a c-section and well...who knows what else. What matters is that we're on the same page and I'm honestly not worried. At a minimum, baby and I will come out with our lives. Everything will be fine and I trust Dr. H implicitly. Bean - you're on your way and i can't wait to meet you and make you a part of our family!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

You are just as important

My mom is always right - I mean always...even if it doesn't come true for years. The second one just doesn't get as much attention. It's TRUE and the poor kid isn't even here yet! Baby Bob II - you are just as important. I'm sorry I'm as self-absorbed with large amounts of time on my hand as I was when I was pregnant with your sister. I do think about you often and I'm thrilled you're on your way to making our family bigger and better.

I'm 10 weeks and 1 day. It's so much easier the second time - I barely feel pregnant most of the time. The only exception is the insane salt cravings that ravage me occasionally. We get to see a pic of BBII tomorrow at our first appt with Dr. H. - I can't wait.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weekend Update - 10.18

It was a busy week for everyone - lots of things happening at home, at work and to top it all off -everyone is sick. Piper and Kris had lots of fun this week - he took her to story time at the library and she LOVED it. Her new favorite songs are "Ring around the Rosie" and "One little, two little, three little...". She loved the bubble machine and all the kids. I wish I had time to take her to music classes or swim classes. She also got to go to the new play area in Bellevue Square - it's a super cool climbing area and Piper had no fear. She was up and over and around on everything - she even took about 7 steps by herself. Once she conquers her fear of walking - she'll be unstoppable!

Work was manic as always - several projects colliding in one week including a client visit. However, between morning sickness and this flu, I had to bail Thurs and Friday. I have since lost my voice and can no longer swallow - awesome. On a positive note my wonderful husband let me sleep in this morning till 9 -- he played with the baby and closed the curtains. It was the best Saturday ever.

Baby Bob II has been much less picky about food than Piper was - he/she seems to not have a preference for what I eat. Although tonight, we made truffle brownies and they tasted H E A V E N L Y. I had about 6 (2 billion calories) and a glass of milk. Baby does like to make me sick between noon and 5 every day - so it's more like afternoon sickness.

Monday, October 13, 2008

10.13 update

Not much happening today - another crazy day at work. Kris made dinner tonight which was such a treat. I LOVE having someone cook for me and I especially love eating. :)

P is starting finally recover from her sinus infection/cough - I swear it's been going on for a month. She went sans cast today for the first time and did beautifully. She was using her arm comfortably all day and I'm optimistic that the three weeks has been enough for it to heal. We'll find out for sure next Tuesday when we get x-rays.

Baby B is just hanging out and not making his/her mom sick. We'll be 6 weeks on Wednesday and I already can't wait to be done w/ the first trimester. In another month, we'll be able to hear the heartbeat. This stage of development is staggering and I just hope I'm a good vessel for the little one.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Pumpkin among the pumpkins

We had a fun day today - we visited Carmine's new project on Angle Lake, met up with Luke, Charlynn and Grayson and then headed west to the Pumkpin patch. It was a glorious day today, 55 and clear/sunny - a perfect pastoral afternoon. :) There were ponies (which Piper loved), tons of kids, tractor rides and of course, a field of pumpkins. We had a great time getting out as a family and celebrating fall.
On the way home we called everyone in my family to tell them our news about the new baby and everyone is SUPER excited. So are we. :)
On a not so good note, I once again get awarded the bad mom of the year award. I shut Piper's finger (on her broken arm) in the new sliding glass door - poor baby was so hurt and I felt like the rottenest of the rotten. She's ok and I let her sleep w/o her cast tonight.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Baby Bob: The Sequel Opening June 10th, 2009

Baby Bob #2 is on it's way!! Last week, Monday morning I was home with Piper. She fractured her arm and I wanted to make sure she adapted to her new cast. For the last week or so, I have had a strange sense that I'm pregnant. Last Sunday, I bought a roast chicken, it tasted and smelled horrible - a symptom from my last pregnancy. Also, I'm hungry like the wolf - and literally can't get full...another sign... Well I decided to get a few tests and well...Piper is going to be a big sister and we're going to have a little one join us around June 10th!

I told Tyler via text message - he was traveling for business in Miami. I sent him a pic of the positive pregnancy text with the subject like "Are you busy June 10th?" and the body text will be!

I can't wait and couldn't be happier. Baby doll - I can't wait to meet you and hold you in my arms.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm one!

Our big girl turned one yesterday. Amazing how fast time flies, how wonderful she is, how much she's changed, how much we've changed and can only fathom changes to come. We had a wonderful day yesterday...we woke up at 6 am (ok, she woke up and woke me up too) and played in the living room. I love having leisurely time with her at home - it feels like a luxury not always be in a hurry to get her ready, me ready and out the door. We just laid on the floor and played for a few hours. We had a lovely breakfast of banana, cinnamon life and pancakes. Maddy, our nanny share friend, came over around 8 am and all of us hung out. Maddy is 2 1/2 and cute as a button. Piper went down for her nap and Maddy and I got the bag ready for our adventure. at 10:30, Me, Piper, Maddy and Great Grandma Jackie headed out for... THE ZOO! It was a wonderfully exhausting trip - the girls had a great time at the petting zoo and all the other kids. Naps ensued when we got home and we topped the day off with a delicious dinner and a vegan/orange cake. It was a good day.

Happy birthday little lady. I love you.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wow - I suck.

It's been four months since I posted - I SUCK. Piper will be a year in just a few weeks! OK - here is the update. She's been crawling for a few months, but isn't quite walking. She completely rejected baby food about three months ago and only wants big girl food. She ditched formula at 10 mos for milk and would change her own diaper if I let her. I think she's ready to be a toddler. :)

She has blossemed into an incredibly cool, independent and snuggly little girl. I literally can't get enough of her. I only wish there were more hours in the day for us to hang out. Right now we're only seeing each other for an hour in the AM and an hour at night - so weekends become so precious. She's just starting to have seperation anxiety (which is kinda flattering) that translates to heart felt sobbing every two hours or so, satisfied only by snuggling. Secretly I love it - there is nothing better than a baby sleeping on your chest.

I promise I'll post more pictures soon.