Tuesday, February 27, 2007

This I believe (I really do!)

On the way to work today, I heard one a fabulous "This I Believe" piece on NPR - it made me smile through an hour of traffic and it's one I hope I don't forget. It's not earth shattering, but it confirms (in a more elegant way than I could ever communicate) what I believe as well.

I believe this is something all of us can do: Try to be happy within the context of the life we are actually living. Happiness is not a situation to be longed for or a convergence of lucky happenstance. Through the power of our own minds, we can help ourselves. This I believe. (Wayne Coyne from Flaming Lips)

You can hear it here http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=7572601

15 weeks 1 day and a little impatience

Last week the flavor of the week was Anxiety, this week it's Impatience.

  • I can't wait to meet baby Bob
  • I can't wait to finish (um, how about start) the nursery
  • I can't wait to finish this freaking house
  • I can't wait for the chaos at work to die down
  • I can't wait to really look pregnant and not just fat (although this week is better than last!)
  • I can't wait for the "pregnancy glow" vs crappy skin, blah blah blah

I'm feeling very impatient these days and there is not a darn thing I can do about any of it. Is this one of the 12 steps to getting to motherhood?

Monday, February 19, 2007

Fat or pregnant

Ok - so maybe I'm a little obsessive with the babycenter boards. I've NEVER been a bbs troller...we'll hardly ever...not since the days of Prodigy when it was the only way to connect with anyone. It's been great b/c I can ask questions to women who are all due around the same time and experiencing the same thing, but I have to say, I'm going a little OTT. I've decided that I can only check BC from home and ideally not every day. I feel like I'm on a BC diet, but sometimes a girl needs to just live her life.

I finally did a belly shot - this is 14 weeks, 1 day. Tyler has not been very helpful in this arena so I did one myself. It's a little dark, but it brings up the unfortuate question - fat or pregnant?

14 weeks

A major milestone - offically in the second trimester at 14 weeks today! I certainly feel a million times better than I did. Nasuea is gone and I feel like I've woken up from a funk. My back is healing and all in all, it's a lot better. I'm hoping the exhaustion goes soon as well - I could nap like a super-star every day (4 hours yesterday!). I have a home doppler so I can hear the hearbeat, but it doesn't seem to abate the overwhelming anxiety. Apparently this is normal - horray, another level of stress to add to my persona - mommy hysteria!

Tyler is back from the islands and has grand plans to move back. I'm not so sure that would work for me year round, but it would be lovely if we were free enough to work remotely and live there seasonally. One idea is to buy a rental property for us to stay in, but also to generate revenue. Who knows - it's all sunshine dreams right now.

Fun news is we picked out a crib - it sort of makes the whole thing a little more real. It will be wonderful to start redoing the nursery and hopefully we'll soon. There is still so much to be done on the house...it's pretty overwhelming. Keep your fingers crossed that we'll get a decent return this year to help with those final projects. :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

All is well...

All is well - u/s is normal and I need to not stress and pretty much learn to relax. I'm going to try and keep normal office hours and keep my blood pressure down and hopefully minimize any cramping/spotting. Clients have a unique power to make me crazy. Luckily, I have a great boss and so far, working from home hasn't affected my productivity.

Happy Valetines day Bob and baby bob! My Bob (aka Tyler) is in St. Croix enjoying friends, sun and I'm pretty sure some rum. He's reliving his fun years before he had a wife, mortgage and now baby. I just hope he comes back.

Baby bob and I are just hanging out waiting for him to get home. I think we will celebrate tonight with some pinapple and orange slices for dinner and perhaps some ice cream for dessert.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fear and Excitement of Pregnancy

Well pregnancy is fascinating and astoundingly stressful. Every body creak or pain is amplified to certain death. I am hyper-sensitive to changes in my body and basically I'm obsessed. It's like I have to provide myself (and other around me, which I'm sure is fascinating) a running commentary on my body changes. Tyler mostly listens, but it's not necessarily for his benefit as it is my need to state the wonder of everything going on. So while I've never been such a ninny, I've also never been so excited. The irony is I say this as I'm on 24 bed-rest after cramping and a panicked call to the triage nurse.