Sunday, May 27, 2007

Fast forward to 28 weeks...

It's been some time since I posted - life has been keeping us pretty busy for the last few weeks. We attending Ryan and Lori's beautiful wedding in Hilton Head at the beginning of the month. It was fun, relaxing and you couldn't ask for a more lovely setting. I think they had the best time ever - as one should at their wedding. :) The following Tuesday we closed on our house and my folks flew in on Thursday. We moved over the weekend and got our house on the market the following Tuesday. WHEW. It was pretty intense! Amist all that, I caught the flew and we had a little baby scare - the baby's activity decreased significantly and this last Monday, I finally called the doctor. She brought me in for a non-stress test and everything turned out fine. I also had the flu and between the emotional and physical turmoil, was a complete mess. Well we're past that and fast forward 5 days, we're settling into our new, organizing and generally trying to make it ours. Update on TTP house, we did get an offer - it's been a few days of haggling, but I'm optimistic we'll get a signed offer tomorrow. I am a little worried about the inspection, but hopefully it won't be too brutal.

Baby's room is mostly ready. It was wonderful to have my parents here last week - my mom and i put together the nursery - it finally feels like my baby has a home! I washed almost all the clothes, blankets and burp clothes and they are put away. We're having the painter come this week to get some color on the wall, then I just need to sew curtains and the room will be ready! I'm 28 weeks tomorrow and it seems like baby bob will be here any day. Tyler thinks I'm nuts, but the last 10 weeks have gone so incredibly fast, I anticipate the next 10 will go just as fast. I want to be ready and confident (as I can be).

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Back, Big and Lovin' it

I'm back from gorgeous Italia - my mom, sister and I had a incredible time. We saw tons of Greek and Roman ruins from Pompeii/Herculaneum to Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, Sicily. It was fun to spend so much time with my mom/sister who I don't see nearly enough. we ate, walked and saw some amazing things - I am so grateful to my dad for sending us!! Here is a picture of my mom and sister in front of an amazing Greek temple in the Valley of the Temples with an intact cella. The reason it survived so well is because it was reused as a church and therefore protected.

The food was just incredible - very natural, simple but incomparably fresh and bright flavors. We were fortunate enough to run through (and I literally ran) a fish and vegetable market in Siricusa. The smell was a little much for preggers, but my mom and sister managed to grab some amazing pics. It made me long to have a kitchen to try my hand at cooking any and all of what we saw. Shockingly I only gained a few pounds in the last month - with my ever expanding girth and considering the amount of gelato, pasta and whole milk I had while on my travels, it's shocking.

Baby Bob has been growing by leaps and bounds. I'm feeling movement frequently everything from tickles to feet sticking out to full on barrel rolls. Every time I ate in Italy, Bob seemed to be thrilled and rewarded me with karate kicks. I had my 25 week check in yesterday and all is well. This is definitely the easiest part of pregnancy so far and I'm so grateful for how healthy I feel. I hope this continues till the end!

Final Lohse notes, we're finishing up our current house and getting ready to move into the next. We close in a week and a half...I'm not quite ready, but oh well. We're heading to our friends Ryan and Lori's wedding this weekend in Hilton Head which should be fun. I'm thrilled for both of them and wish them years and years of happiness. We'll be within walking distance to them now which will be fun.