Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weekend Update - 10.18

It was a busy week for everyone - lots of things happening at home, at work and to top it all off -everyone is sick. Piper and Kris had lots of fun this week - he took her to story time at the library and she LOVED it. Her new favorite songs are "Ring around the Rosie" and "One little, two little, three little...". She loved the bubble machine and all the kids. I wish I had time to take her to music classes or swim classes. She also got to go to the new play area in Bellevue Square - it's a super cool climbing area and Piper had no fear. She was up and over and around on everything - she even took about 7 steps by herself. Once she conquers her fear of walking - she'll be unstoppable!

Work was manic as always - several projects colliding in one week including a client visit. However, between morning sickness and this flu, I had to bail Thurs and Friday. I have since lost my voice and can no longer swallow - awesome. On a positive note my wonderful husband let me sleep in this morning till 9 -- he played with the baby and closed the curtains. It was the best Saturday ever.

Baby Bob II has been much less picky about food than Piper was - he/she seems to not have a preference for what I eat. Although tonight, we made truffle brownies and they tasted H E A V E N L Y. I had about 6 (2 billion calories) and a glass of milk. Baby does like to make me sick between noon and 5 every day - so it's more like afternoon sickness.

Monday, October 13, 2008

10.13 update

Not much happening today - another crazy day at work. Kris made dinner tonight which was such a treat. I LOVE having someone cook for me and I especially love eating. :)

P is starting finally recover from her sinus infection/cough - I swear it's been going on for a month. She went sans cast today for the first time and did beautifully. She was using her arm comfortably all day and I'm optimistic that the three weeks has been enough for it to heal. We'll find out for sure next Tuesday when we get x-rays.

Baby B is just hanging out and not making his/her mom sick. We'll be 6 weeks on Wednesday and I already can't wait to be done w/ the first trimester. In another month, we'll be able to hear the heartbeat. This stage of development is staggering and I just hope I'm a good vessel for the little one.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Pumpkin among the pumpkins

We had a fun day today - we visited Carmine's new project on Angle Lake, met up with Luke, Charlynn and Grayson and then headed west to the Pumkpin patch. It was a glorious day today, 55 and clear/sunny - a perfect pastoral afternoon. :) There were ponies (which Piper loved), tons of kids, tractor rides and of course, a field of pumpkins. We had a great time getting out as a family and celebrating fall.
On the way home we called everyone in my family to tell them our news about the new baby and everyone is SUPER excited. So are we. :)
On a not so good note, I once again get awarded the bad mom of the year award. I shut Piper's finger (on her broken arm) in the new sliding glass door - poor baby was so hurt and I felt like the rottenest of the rotten. She's ok and I let her sleep w/o her cast tonight.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Baby Bob: The Sequel Opening June 10th, 2009

Baby Bob #2 is on it's way!! Last week, Monday morning I was home with Piper. She fractured her arm and I wanted to make sure she adapted to her new cast. For the last week or so, I have had a strange sense that I'm pregnant. Last Sunday, I bought a roast chicken, it tasted and smelled horrible - a symptom from my last pregnancy. Also, I'm hungry like the wolf - and literally can't get full...another sign... Well I decided to get a few tests and well...Piper is going to be a big sister and we're going to have a little one join us around June 10th!

I told Tyler via text message - he was traveling for business in Miami. I sent him a pic of the positive pregnancy text with the subject like "Are you busy June 10th?" and the body text will be!

I can't wait and couldn't be happier. Baby doll - I can't wait to meet you and hold you in my arms.