Friday, November 9, 2007

Yep...she's still cute

It's been 10 weeks since Piper came to town and wow, life has changed. It's fun, exhausting, monotonous and exciting all at the same time. Too much has happened to comment, instead I'll just post some updated pictures. The collage is somewhat chronological -

From upper left: Tyler and Alison (we still like each other!), Pinup Piper (1 week), Profile (1 week), First smiles (3 weeks), Brown dress (4 weeks), Hat and Sweater (5 weeks), Kickin it (7 weeks), Fat, Slobbery Smile (8 weeks), Sleeping on my Lambkins (8 weeks).

New stuff she's doing this week:
1) First giggle (I'm HILARIOUS apparently
2) Allllmost rolled from front to back 3) Last night a 10 hour stretch STRAIGHT in her crib.

We're heading to Chicago on Monday for the holidays - more pictures to come!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Pictures of Sweet P

Our gorgeous girl weighing in at 8 lbs 3.7 oz

Love at first touch...

Roxie waiting for her new sister at home - they are getting along perfectly as they completely ignore one another.

Sleeping sweetly...I love it when she sleeps.

She's very alert and is already tracking with her eyes.

OK - not every picture is perfect. She is balancing precariously on her Dad's hands.

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Birth Story...

This is long and detailed...sorry.

The Induction (8/28 - 10:00 PM to 12:00 AM):

I was scheduled to have a two part induction - step one was a cervical riping which was to happen Tuesday night and then there were going to call Wednesday AM to start the pitocin drip and the actual labor induction. We went in at 8 PM to triage for a procedure (Miso) to help ripen my cervix. It was finally inserted around 10 PM and they wanted to watch me for two hours (during of effectiveness of drug). My mom and Tyler were there and we watched a classic Doris Day/Rock Hudson flick, "Pillow Talk." I had two contractions between 11 PM and 12 AM – nothing horrible, but definitely real contractions. We were sent home with the promise that someone would call us in the AM for the scheduled induction.

The Labor (8/29 - 1:00 AM to 2:30 AM):

We got home about 12:45 PM and my mom/Tyler went to bed. I laid down, but immediately had some painful contractions. I decided a bath might help the increasing pain and got in. From 1 AM to 2 AM, I went from 20 min, 15 min, 8 min and then by 1:45 PM my contractions were 2 min apart and incredibly painful. I got out of the bath and started to walk around the house – I was going to try to time them for an hour, but realized that I was having immense pressure and wouldn't make it to the hospital if I did, not to mention that pain was becoming unbearable. I got my mom and Tyler up and basically told them we had to go NOW. I was actually moaning through the contractions and was fighting the urge to vomit. I couldn't get a break between contractions. We all got in the car and I wasn't sure I'd make it to Swedish – the pressure on my bum was intense (this is about 2:10 AM) and I was really hurting. My mom was a freaking amazing coach – I think I broke her hand. My pain was so intense, suggested we go to the local hospital in our town b/c my pain is so bad– Tyler is trying to call the Dr on call at Swedish and finally gets her. We were actually pulling into the local hospital when we pulled a U turn. The Dr. was on speaker and I was screaming at him and her about how much pain I was in…apparently that convinced her I was in active labor and she told him to bring her to Swedish and to keep my pants on. Off we go . We made it to ER and I was screaming in pain. I asked everyone I met for drugs. We got in the elevator and I had another contraction – she asked me if I needed to push and I said yes. They stopped the elevator and got a dr to take me up. I think they were worried I was going to deliver in the elevator.

The Delivery (8/29 - 2:30 PM to 3:38 AM):

They were waiting for me in the delivery room – Dr Hannon (not my ob, but part of the practice) was waiting for us as well as Marissa our nurse from the previous procedure.. She indicated I was dilated and that we should get the IV"s and pain meds going. We got our IV in and everyone was helping me breath through contractions. Dr. Parks the anesthesiologist finally came in and within 5 minutes I had relief. After 10, I was numb. Dr. Hbroke my water as soon as I was numb and at just after 3:00 AM, we started to push and Piper's heart kept going into distress every push. After three rounds of hard pushes, Dr H busted out the forceps. Two more rounds of pushing and Piper made her debut at 3:38 AM. They let me pull her out the rest of the way and put her on my chest and Tyler cut the cord. She was so lovely. It was the fastest delivery from any FTM the nurses had ever seen and frankly took me by surprise! The Dr said my bulging bag of waters was the thing holding the baby in. Tyler cried and she grasped his hand almost immediately. It was love at first sight and an incredibly overwhelming moment of amazement and love.

Post Birth (8/29 - 3:38 PM to 5:00 AM):

I started feeling pretty crappy about 10 min. after we delivered while waiting for the placenta to deliver. I thought I was going to throw up and was shaking uncontrollably. Apparently I was losing a lot of blood and my blood pressure bottomed out (60/30). I was going in and out of consciousness as they delivered my placenta which broke apart. It took over an hour and a half to scrape out the placenta – during which they got Piper all gussied up and she got her first bath, immunization shots and cute outfit. I lost half of my blood, but after some time of scraping etc, they got all of it out. I was horribly weak for the next few days – in fact, I remember very little. On my last day (I asked to stay a day longer) I finally got a blood transfusion. It made all the difference in the world although I'm still pretty tired.

Moral of the Story

Piper's debut was nothing but spectacular and alls well that ends well. She came out perfect and any discomfort or issues I experienced were easily solved by modern medicine and the excellent care at Swedish. 100 years ago....this may have ended very differently, but huzzzah for progress!!!

Baby Bob = Piper Grace Lohse

Piper Grace Lohse was born Wednesday, August 29th at 3:38 AM at Swedish Medical Center. Her birth story is a wild and wholly one, but all is well and she is amazing.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Nervous. Bored. Kinda Sleepy.

My mom rocks. She's been with me for a week and has been keeping my entertained. I feel bad as she was hoping to have a baby to play with, not to mention, she was supposed to head back to Chicago yesterday. However, plans have changed. She's staying another week and I'm SOOO glad. I've been having a wonderful time spending time with her - we've managed to spend lots of money redecorating my living room with fancy, adult furniture. It's sparked a remodeling project that I'm quite excited about. But as the day to induction draws closer, I find myself a little nervous - I'm not sure what to expect and am a little sad my body can't do this on it's own (and on time dammit). Tomorrow night, I need to be there around 8 PM and they will insert the Cervadil. It will either help me go into labor by myself or Wed. AM they were start a Pitocin drip to get the contractions started. The irony is that there is a full moon Tuesday night and it's pretty well known that LOTS of ladies go into labor on a full moon. So two things could happen - either I'll be one of them OR I'll get bumped from my induction Wednesday for all the "naturally" laboring moms. I hope I'm in the earlier camp. Well, lugging all this weight around (and it's a lot, trust me) has made me wicked sleepy. I'm off to enjoy one of my last nights of uninterrupted sleep.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Still pregnant....

My apologies in advance if this sounds like a pity party, but I have to vent. I’m 40 w 6 d today and had my “41w “check up yesterday. First, my regular OB is on vacation this week, so I saw the Dr. on call in the practice. As I’m 41 wk on Sunday, they scheduled me for a NST and u/s to check aging placenta, fluid levels and obviously well being of the baby. I had the u/s prior to going to my regular appointment. The tech checked took about 5 min and looked fine...and then the radiologist comes in for his prognosis. Not only did he have the guts to try and change my due date to two weeks earlier, but said the baby is only 7 lbs 7 oz after not doing any sort of measurements. I was incensed, but whatever, and went on to my next appt. I got to the Dr. and went in for my internal exam (after waiting in for over an hour) – the on call Dr tells me I’m only 1 cm and 50% effaced! Apparently, I’ve "regressed" from 2 CM to 1 CM, but am only 50% effaced. WHAT???? How is that freaking possible? I GINORMOUS, not to mention, am "less" than what my normal Dr. has told me over the four visits!!! The previous Friday, my Dr assured me they would schedule an induction on the 29th “just in case” I didn’t go while she was on vacation. Someone in the office was to call and schedule it. Well, I come to find out at this last appointment that not only has it not been scheduled, this Dr. can’t do anything about it and just suggested I schedule my 42 week check in. I’m frankly, pretty mad at this point, but realize I can do absolutely nothing. The appointment ends with a 40 min NST in which the baby proceeds to start break dancing in my belly and I produce not even one contraction. OMG – I truly am going to be pregnant forever.

They were finally able to schedule me for an induction next week after I sort of begged. I go in Tuesday 8/28 for the cervadil and then am “on call” for Wednesday to come in! The Dr. had the gall after telling me this that she’s “sure” I’ll go before that….um what part of my exam gave her that indication? My sense is this kid has moved in and I will be attending college on their behalf.

OK – pity party is over, so what is the upside:

  • Big kid= good sleeper (hooray!)
  • My mom came in to spend time with the baby, but selfishly I get to spend time with her. We’re having lots of fun and both feel like we’re on vacation.
  • The baby WILL come despite my impatience.

Can’t wait to meet you Baby Bob.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

Happy 4th Anniversary Baby Bob's dad.
I love you.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It doesnt' look that big when I look down...

When I catch a glance in a mirror or window from the side, my girth actually impresses me. I swear, it doesn't look that big from up top. I am looking forward to getting my body back, but I do sort of like having the baby shelf - my cell phone rests perfectly on there and I can use speaker phone with ease. I won't miss misjudging sliding between objects and either a)getting stuck or b) getting scratches on my stomach.

This is one of three things I can still wear - if this baby thing goes on much longer, I'm going to be in a bed sheet vs real clothes.

Playing hard to get....

Note my 8/19 due date....note today's day 8/21....someone is playing hard to get. I'm officially two days over due and frankly, pretty bitter. I'm not working, taking precious paid vacation time and with no signs that bob is coming anytime soon. ARGGGG. My poor mother who is scheduled to come tonight, has been on the yo-yo calendar - we finally decided that she should just come out anyway to keep me company. Hopefully Baby Bob will feel reallllllly guilty that Ammie flew all the way out here to meet him/her and join us this evening. My mom has an amazing way with guilt....

Last night we had 6 hours of false labor - contractions 20 min apart that hurt. I went to bed and they went away. So far, I've tried a few things to induce labor - spicy chili, italian food with oregano, nightly glass of wine...all that's left is the super gross Castor Oil and I'm not sure I can do it. Ask me in a day or two and I may be chugging the whole bottle....

Baby Bob - please come and join us, we can't wait to meet you!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Happy 4th Birthday Roxie!!

It's our other baby's 4th birthday today. She's been enjoying treats all day and I'm about to make her a delicious peanut butter puppy cake.


I had my Dr's appt on Friday and no progress from last week. All that awesome back pain and painful BH for nothing. I'm 39 weeks today and have decided that I will probably go to 42 weeks. I had an u/s last Monday and baby bob was measuring 7.5 lbs so at least we won't have a baby huey.

Here is my last belly shot from 38 weeks 3 days (I hope). Stretch marks are starting to take over and that does not need to be documented for anyone! :0)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Progress and a Smoothie

Pangs, pains, back contractions....we definitely had some activity yesterday! It of course has stopped, but that means there is some sort of progresses! I got the hospital bag put together last night just in case and sent Tyler his final packing list. Huzzah!

On a completely unrelated, but delicious note, I have perfected my morning smoothie. I've been obsessed with all the beautiful berries available in the store, particularly as they are coming in huge containers are are very inexpensive. My solution has been to freeze them and use them in smoothies. My newest attempt this AM was by far the best and is due to a recipe I found on Newman's Lemonade. :) 1.5 c of Vanilla Yogurt; 1.5c of frozen blueberries; 1 c of frozen strawberries; 1.5 c of lemonade. What a lovely way to start the day!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Love Notes - the last one

I posted about this several months ago, but there is a cool site/service called "Love Notes." It's difficult to explain, so I suggest visiting love notes at I just got my last love note and I'm little sad - they have been such a lovely, whimsical way to "communicate" with baby bob. Here is the last email:

Hi Mama,

Today is a bittersweet day, as this is the last note
we'll share together. But don't be sad! You don't need
them anymore. In fact, today is sort of a graduation

We're communicating all the time in various wonderful
ways. Look for me in dreams, meditations, intuitions,
feelings, and sensations. I'm always with you and I'm
always talking with you.

As the day comes closer when we'll physically be together
I'm getting more excited and joyful to be joining you!
Oh, to look in your beautiful eyes for the first time, Mama!!

I'll be seeing you soon at our Beautiful Birth.
Keep the Faith and Know Your Power, Mama!!

I'm so eternally proud of you.....
Your Baby


I'm ready....really ready, to meet baby bob. I spent all weekend cleaning the house (again) including steam cleaning all the carpets and finishing the nursery. All the laundry is done (although not put away) and I've bought all the baby kit. You'd think all this planning and preparation that the baby would just fall in line and start labor already! Well - as with many things related to this child, I am realizing that I'm not in control. I have daily pep talks with baby bob, letting him/her know that today would be a great day to be born. So far...nothing. So we wait.

I can't wait to meet the squirming bubby in my belly. In so many ways, I can't put 2+2 together that this will be a little person I get to know. I also can't imagine not being pregnant - since about the 5th month, I feel like I have been and always will be pregnant. So much is in store for us - I can't wait!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Life is a bowl of cherries

Rainer cherries are freaking delicious. I just ate an entire bag and baby bob kicked back in appreciation. A true fruit aficionado....

Friday, July 27, 2007

23 days....

but who's counting!? :) 36 weeks and 5 days today. The baby is two days away from being "full term" and according to the doctor, it could be any day now. Yeah right. No first time mom (FTM) is that lucky. Good news...the baby has stopped measuring so far ahead - we're right on schedule and she's hoping for an 8 lb-er vs the 10 lb-er I was convinced we'd have. I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced which pretty much means nothing. It could be tomorrow, it could be three weeks. I did pack most of my hospital bag tonight just in case and basically let Tyler know that tonight was his last "rowdy" night as after this, he's on call. He took the boat to Silverdale to watch the fireworks with Roxie and our friend Jason - hopefully he's having fun.

Earlier this week the waiting was almost unbearable - partially because I was starting to get sick and feeling rotten, but also because I think I was expected to feel that way. I realized how completely stupid I was acting and on Wednesday, had a pep talk with my self. A few good things came out of it:
  • three weeks is incredibly short if applied to any other part of my life - work, home project,'s a flash in the pan
  • three weeks is all I have left to be completely selfish - after's gone.
  • three weeks for Tyler and I to be just a couple and not a family - life is going to change and how
  • three weeks means baby bob gets bigger, healthier and a better chance at sleeping through the night (that's good!)
  • If I had to listen to myself whine for three weeks -I'd kill myself (or leave me). ;)

So...I wait, I walk, I live and I'm going to enjoy the next few weeks as best I can until Baby Bob is ready to join us.

Baby Shower debrief

We had a fabulous shower last weekend thrown by LB - it ended up being more of a party than a baby shower, but that suited us (especially Tyler) just fine. It was nice to see everyone and LB, as always, totally out did herself. She decorated our patio and it literally looked like a magazine. The food was incredible and the games were fun. I think everyone had a great fact my in-laws were the last ones to leave and at midnight I could hear them signing Karaoke in our living room.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Calendar of Cravings

Baby Bob has profoundly changed my diet...and I don't mean just removing wine and Basil Hayden Manhattan's. From early on in the pregnancy to today, what tastes good and what satisfies me is completely different from where I was 10 months ago. I thought I'd share with Baby Bob the food that he/she has enjoyed over the last 9 months - it will be interesting to see if this holds true for them when they start eating solid foods:

First Trimester:
  • Pineapple, Pineapple and more pineapple.
  • Oranges and grapefruit.
  • Apples with peanut butter.
  • Anything fried
  • Meat
  • Fatty foods.

Second Trimester:

  • Watermelon, watermelon and more watermelon
  • Any fruit - pears, apples
  • Fruit juice - pear, peach, etc
  • Arnold Palmer's - Lemonade
  • Any salad, ideally with seafood on it
  • Brea's French Vinaigrette
  • Pancakes


  • Fatty breakfast foods

Third Trimester


  • Ice cream - and lots of it. Ideally Starbucks Javachip...YUM
  • Anything frozen - lemonade, Popsicles (otter pops OMG)
  • Arnold Palmer's - lemonade/ice tea
  • Fruit - berries, peaches, apples, watermelon, kiwi, cherries, anything fresh really
  • Hamburgers


  • n/a

There seems to be a fruit theme...this is the first time in my life I've enjoyed fruit even generally let alone to the volume/scale I have recently. I hope these are good lifetime habits and that Baby Bob enjoys them when he/she gets here too! Thanks BB for making your Mom healthier.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Steamy at 35 weeks

35 weeks today...and only 35 days to go. It's definitely becoming real that our lives are about to change pretty drastically. We had our childbirth class yesterday - it was interesting, but not terribly informative. I felt like a complete nerd - the only one asking questions, but she confirmed much of what I'd already read. Tyler was extra grossed out during some of the videos including the placenta delivery - I have to admit, so was I...somehow no one ever talks about that part. Every woman in the videos had an unmediated birth which was pretty uncomfortable to watch and frankly, not that inspiring. "I am woman, hear my moan for 22 hours." Well - ready or not, here it comes. :)

It's just plain hot today. I've turned into a lily-livered northwesterner when it comes to weather and 80 degrees, 60% humidity is hot and muggy. It COULD be b/c I'm pregnant, but dammit - I 'm just plain hot.

Today has been a catch up day for AARF work. My days are running out - I'm only in the office 4 more weeks (yikes!) working 1/2 days from home on Friday's and then that last week, I'm working for home. I'm planning to start my maternity leave on my due date and feel more confident every day I'll make it till then. It's all very strange - I've never been more prepared with my schedule and surroundings yet less prepared emotionally for any event. Oh will be here whether we're ready or not!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Technology rocks and 33 weeks

We went for our 3-D ultrasound on Saturday and were completely blown away. Baby Bob was fairly shy keeping his/her face buried, but we did get a couple cute shots including this one where he/she is smiling. There are others where he/she is sucking fingers, sticking tongue out, blinking and practicing breathing. You'll also notice that the baby is FAT - chubby cheeks already and the tech also saw a full head of hair.
Here is my prediction: Tyler's eyes, my nose, anyone's guess on mouth and chin. Net net - FREAKING CUTE.
Technology is astonishing and for both of us and truly makes this little one real! Of course it makes us more impatient too - 7 weeks now seems like a long time to finally meet this little bugger! I had a dr's appt. on Friday and am measuring 36 weeks - this unfortunately does not mean I will go 3 weeks early, but rather I'll have a giant child. Dr Bridges is on board with inducing if it the baby looks too big...thank god. The rest of the pics are on my flickr stream...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Another new addition...and two months and counting

My friend Emily from work had her baby this AM! 9:19 AM, 10 lbs, 5 oz, 21 inches...35 hours of labor. She is also FTM, so she's going to call me tomorrow to get the scoop. It sounds like everyone is doing well - I'm sure she's exhausted but sounds like little Lukas is quite a healthy boy!

For us, it's two months and counting as of today. 61 days left...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Introducing Duncan Fremont Padgitt!!!

I'm a few days late in posting this, but my sister Amy had Duncan Fremont Padgitt last week. He is a chubby-bubby at 9 lbs, 11 oz. It was a super long day for her, but I've never heard her happier. He spend a few extra days in the hospital for jaundice, but other than that is doing swimmingly. I can't WAIT to meet him. Graham is thrilled to have another brother, and boy in the Latimer brood. In fact he exclaimed to Ammie (my mom) once he did that math that BOYS WIN meaning there are now 11 grand kids, 5 girls, 6 boys. We'll obviously tip the scales back to even or in favor boys - you can guess who Graham is rooting for.

Monday, June 11, 2007

30 weeks today and pending Padgitt

I can count the number of weeks with my 10 digits...pretty exciting! Here is my 30 week pic!
After about 5 days with the flu and all the previously documented ailments, I finally felt somewhat normal today. I had a headache that lasted 2 days, impervious to all drugs and literally prevented sleep, not to mention the fatigue, cramps and general malaise. I was convinced I had pre-eclampsia with the headache and even went to the store to take my blood pressure (134/84) - which is VERY high for me. If I was feeling poorly today I was going to head into L&D, but thank goodness, I'm starting to fee like myself again.
Hopefully I can take that energy back to work - I'm starting feel like a waste of space - I've been really hampered in my ability to do my job and I frankly hate it (not my job, my ability). It's frustrating not being able to give 150%, but more like 60-75%. Icky. Oh well -I'm thinking I may leave a week early from my job vs waiting till my due date. Considering all my current ailments, having that last week might be good just to get organized, clean, run errands and relax.
My sister Amy is being induced tomorrow with her 3rd baby!!!!!!!! I can't WAIT to get the phone call and find out if they are having a little girl or boy. I love that these cousins will be so close together including my sister Carrie's son Harry.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Rough = Flu + Baby

Update: Baby not as blameless as first thought. After a lovely trip to the Dr. yesterday, good, OK and bad news.

Good News: no UTI and no labor "progress" despite the contractions/cramping.

OK News: Baby Bob laying sideways probably made me incredibly sore on the sidewalls.

Bad News: 1)Dehydration from flu leads to contractions and I'd better lay down, slug some water to stop them and 2) I flunked my GD test.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Rough = Flu

Ok - so perhaps I was a little hasty to blame it on the baby. Looks like I have the flu and have slept 18 hours since I got home from work yesterday. Sorry Bob.

Rough around the edges

29 weeks and 4 days and almost two weeks into the third trimester and I'm starting to get uncomfortable. I think our schedule has finally caught up with me and Baby Bob (who is measuring 2.5 weeks ahead) is getting big. I was telling my mom that I'm feeling rough around the edges - tired, sore, having trouble sleeping, heartburn, frequent braxton-hicks - you know...all the fun stuff. :) It's all worth it, but I have to say the honeymoon phase ended dramatically and quickly. I actually had to come home today from work b/c I starting feeling very strange, sick to my stomach and frequent contractions. When I got home, I realized that Baby Bob was laying transverse - meaning longways across my stomach! It was putting pressure on my back and I think pinching a vein. I slept, but woke up nauseous and achy. He/She has since moved, but I still feel pretty rough almost like a hangover. Oh well - enough complaining!

My sister Amy has her new one on Monday and I can't wait. I wish I could go out and meet he/she sooner, but no trips to Chicago planned till after the baby. :( The baby is measuring really big which means healthy, but it also means a scheduled due date. I'll be thinking of you Mimi!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Fast forward to 28 weeks...

It's been some time since I posted - life has been keeping us pretty busy for the last few weeks. We attending Ryan and Lori's beautiful wedding in Hilton Head at the beginning of the month. It was fun, relaxing and you couldn't ask for a more lovely setting. I think they had the best time ever - as one should at their wedding. :) The following Tuesday we closed on our house and my folks flew in on Thursday. We moved over the weekend and got our house on the market the following Tuesday. WHEW. It was pretty intense! Amist all that, I caught the flew and we had a little baby scare - the baby's activity decreased significantly and this last Monday, I finally called the doctor. She brought me in for a non-stress test and everything turned out fine. I also had the flu and between the emotional and physical turmoil, was a complete mess. Well we're past that and fast forward 5 days, we're settling into our new, organizing and generally trying to make it ours. Update on TTP house, we did get an offer - it's been a few days of haggling, but I'm optimistic we'll get a signed offer tomorrow. I am a little worried about the inspection, but hopefully it won't be too brutal.

Baby's room is mostly ready. It was wonderful to have my parents here last week - my mom and i put together the nursery - it finally feels like my baby has a home! I washed almost all the clothes, blankets and burp clothes and they are put away. We're having the painter come this week to get some color on the wall, then I just need to sew curtains and the room will be ready! I'm 28 weeks tomorrow and it seems like baby bob will be here any day. Tyler thinks I'm nuts, but the last 10 weeks have gone so incredibly fast, I anticipate the next 10 will go just as fast. I want to be ready and confident (as I can be).

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Back, Big and Lovin' it

I'm back from gorgeous Italia - my mom, sister and I had a incredible time. We saw tons of Greek and Roman ruins from Pompeii/Herculaneum to Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, Sicily. It was fun to spend so much time with my mom/sister who I don't see nearly enough. we ate, walked and saw some amazing things - I am so grateful to my dad for sending us!! Here is a picture of my mom and sister in front of an amazing Greek temple in the Valley of the Temples with an intact cella. The reason it survived so well is because it was reused as a church and therefore protected.

The food was just incredible - very natural, simple but incomparably fresh and bright flavors. We were fortunate enough to run through (and I literally ran) a fish and vegetable market in Siricusa. The smell was a little much for preggers, but my mom and sister managed to grab some amazing pics. It made me long to have a kitchen to try my hand at cooking any and all of what we saw. Shockingly I only gained a few pounds in the last month - with my ever expanding girth and considering the amount of gelato, pasta and whole milk I had while on my travels, it's shocking.

Baby Bob has been growing by leaps and bounds. I'm feeling movement frequently everything from tickles to feet sticking out to full on barrel rolls. Every time I ate in Italy, Bob seemed to be thrilled and rewarded me with karate kicks. I had my 25 week check in yesterday and all is well. This is definitely the easiest part of pregnancy so far and I'm so grateful for how healthy I feel. I hope this continues till the end!

Final Lohse notes, we're finishing up our current house and getting ready to move into the next. We close in a week and a half...I'm not quite ready, but oh well. We're heading to our friends Ryan and Lori's wedding this weekend in Hilton Head which should be fun. I'm thrilled for both of them and wish them years and years of happiness. We'll be within walking distance to them now which will be fun.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Viente due settimane e quattro giorni

I'm 22weeks and 4 days today. With everything going on with the house, I haven't taken any pictures. Here is an update.

I'm on my way to Italy!!! My mom, sister Liz and I are spending a week there touring the southern half of the country. A few days in Palermo, a few in Sicily and lots of ruins. I'm so incredibly excited, but very nervous my Italian will be awful. I can't wait to spend so much time with my mom/sisters - it's been forever and I think it will be really fun. Baby Bob will have his/her first international experience and I hope not their last. My whole family has been blessed with living around the world and I'd love for have the kids continue the tradition.

Update on the house - we put in our feedback from the inspection and now we just keep our fingers crossed that we'll get some credit back to fix the furnace and other issues. If so, we'll close 5/15 and our current house will go on the market 5/3!!! WOW!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Will Ferrel is schooled by a 2 yr old landlord (language warning)

Cause and Effect

I read that baby bob can now sense light. I read about a trick where you shine a flashlight on your belly and the baby can sense it. Well...of COURSE I had to test it out. So I shone the light on my belly and sure enough...KICK, ROLL, KICK...I think I may have woken baby bob up. The neat part is it is the first time we communicated, although I'm sure baby bob was none too happy.

Friday, April 13, 2007

House Pictures...

It's more fun with visuals. For those who know us, you're probably baffled why we would move away from the water. However, we're "downsizing" our mortgage and doubling our square footage - hopefully allowing for our family to grow! When Tyler and I walked through this house, we both really felt like it was more than a house, it was "home."

The back deck is wonderful - it overlooks a huge ravine with a windeing trail leading to a creek. I imagine we'll entertain lots back there, but baby-proofing will be interesting!!

The front of the house is not much to look at, but it's solid.

Picture of community center and athletic fields across the street. Roxie will LOVE the huge grass fields and we don't have to lift a finger to take care of it. Even better, the community center is where all the Mom and Me classes are held and there is even a preschool!!

What a week...

It has been a pretty intense and unexpected week. We started out the week checking out a new house that came on the market and by the end had an offer accepted! It was not how I thought my week would go, but we found the perfect house that we actually see ourselves in for years to come. It's in great shape and HUGE compared to our current place. We close May 15th and if we can unload this house, should be settled in June - two months before the baby arrives. :)

Monday, April 9, 2007 rant

OK - I admit, I check Babycenter (BC) everyday, specifically the bulletin board with other August moms. During my first trimester, it was a godsend - it confirmed every ache, pain, nauseous moment as normal and I felt a sense of solidarity with other women going through the same thing. We all seemed to have this sense of wonderment, excitement and hope whether a first time mom or it was your 5th. All those warm fuzzies have gone to hell-in-a-hand-basket. I have never encountered more catty, superior people in my life! I still go every day to read about people feeling the baby or again to confirm my suspicious ham-hock hands, but now the bitchy posts out weight the "hey is this normal" posts. There are so many rants about what people should/shouldn't do and any post is an excuse for someone to climb on their moral high horse and condemn others. Then the condemned and others pounce on the other person. It's almost intolerable and frankly makes it difficult to read. God forbid I post anything about this - it would start a war. So...what of it. Well - I am glad I am not most of those gals. If anything it confirms that I am a pretty vanilla person and that is just fine with me. Second, I will be visiting less frequently b/c I get less out of it than I used to and I do not want to be one of those women. Third, I will have to look else where for solidarity, perhaps in people in my community...mommy groups? Who knows. That's my personal rant for the day.

21 weeks and counting...and Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! We had a nice dinner at Tyler's parents boat this afternoon. After a lovely warm day and almost three days of great weather (low 70's) it poured reminding us that no, it's not summer and yes, we live in Seattle. The kids were over and were being very cute about the baby - I think it's the first time they noticed I was pregnant. Conner wants a boy and to name it Bobby (ironic no?), Rachel wants a girl named Ann (her middle name) and Ryan a boy named Jerry. Well - here is a reality check for you...this time next year, I'll have an 8 month old running around....holy mary, it's impossible to imagine - I can barely think outside of this week of my pregnancy and feel so completely self-absorbed. Picturing a baby (boy or girl), going to church, bunny's almost impossible.

21 weeks today! I'm feeling good, but bigger. The swelling has started in my hands and cankles aren't far behind. It's pretty unattractive, but harmless. About once a day I can feel the baby - it's very twingy, not quite hurts, but almost. I am looking forward to it being more regular! I think that should happen any time.

Technically in three weeks baby bob is viable should I need to be induced for some horrible reason. However, that got me thinking to the recent news story on baby Amillia from Florida who was born and survivedeved at 21 weeks. I have this constant obsession with knowing how big the baby is relative to my tummy, so I found some pics of Amilla online and check out how little her sweet feet and her relative to a pen. How wonderful that modern medicine could help her survive. While driving to his parents I mentioned to Tyler that having a baby is natural blah blah blah, but it's also just a healthy dose of good luck and to keep his fingers crossed that our luck stays strong through August.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

It's a....

BABY!! We had our big ultrasound today and it was lots of fun. The baby was pretty mellow (PLEASE be a sign of things to come), but completely healthy and well formed. Baby Bob weights 13 oz and is right on schedule to deliver 8.19. This is my favorite picture from today - it's a full body profile. You can see the cute little feet, the head and arm over the head. It looks like a real baby! The same can't be said for the 3-d pics - our child looks like Skeletor...and not in a nice way.

I am going to pretend this is baby's first Halloween costume. Today sure was fun - I would love to have an U/S every week.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Whatcya doing?

It's annoyingly early on Saturday for me to be up, but here we are. I'm lying here trying to get back to sleep, but all i want to know is ...what's the baby doing? Are they swimming around in circles? Are they stretching? Sucking their thumb? Sleeping? Can they think? Can they hear their dad snoring? I like to think that baby bob is nice and warm in there, just floating along, waiting for some blueberry pancakes for breakfast and a nice glass of milk.

Friday, March 23, 2007

It's Miller Time!

Harrison (Harry) Samuel Miller was born today at 3:40 AM CST to my sister Carrie and her husband Chris. The two sisters, Georgia and Fiona were apparently thrilled with the new arrival. He was a whopping 9 lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long. CONGRATS Millers!!!! I can't wait to meet my newest nephew!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

18 weeks 2 days - Round and firm

The belly become firm almost over night. I'm only up about 5 lbs (and probably lost that this week), but it looks like I ate a watermelon...whole.

Happy Birthday/Anniversary Fre and Steph!!

It's my baby brother's 27th birthday. Holy mary and Happy Birthday! It's also his 3rd wedding anniversary - Happy Anniversary you two! We miss you and can't wait to see you at Christmas.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tapioca

While minding my own business in Minneapolis at Best Buy Headquarters, I feel a tapping on my stomach. I was leaning into the table, so I started squirming around to make it go away. Then it occurs to me that it's my child saying "Mom, you're SQUISHING me! GET OFF." I've been dying to feel movement and wondered what it felt like. There are a million descriptions - gas, bubbles, butterflies, muscle spasms...which all sound suspiciously inconsistent to me. Mine felt like the latter, but coupled with a rubber band being flicked against me. It was very exciting and a pretty cool moment - I like knowing my baby bob is there!

BTW - who's gas feels like that!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I swooned...who swoons anymore?

I had an interesting day yesterday. First of all, in a fit of insanity, yesterday morning we actually looked at a new house. SO many good things about it - huge lot, proximity to the cove, 4 bedrooms, PRICE...however, it was just too much work. And dammit...I'm tired. After the tour, we went to Starbucks (baby was HUNGRY) and mom had two breakfasts - a latte with a breakfast sandwich and a donut. We took Roxie to the cove for a little run and I started feeling sort of ill.

Fast forward three hours, Tyler was out celebrating St. Patty's day with friends at a bar, so I decided to go to the mall, do some returns and a little shopping. I had several stops, but started with Starbucks - I wasn't hungry (nausea) but I was SO thirsty. I got a ice tea/lemonade and headed to Babies R Us (BRU). Sucking on my delicious drink I wandered through the store looking at crib sheets.. Almost immediately, I started feeling faint....classic fingers tingling, tongue/cheeks tingling, week knees, dark vision around the edges etc. I inhale the rest of my drink, finishing it in seconds, realized what I'd done and almost cried (why, I'm not sure - I'm mean it's GOOD, but come on). I grabbed another lemonade at checkout thinking I needed the sugar, got in my car and felt a little better.

Onto the next store - I'm in Home Depot and it happens again except I think I'm going to be sick or faint, or both. In the middle of the kitchen faucets, I kick off my shoes, strip my jacket and start fanning my self. LOL - I'm sure that was VERY interesting to watch. I make it out of Home Depot after grabbing my purchases and realize i have one last stop - drat. So I got to Target to do some returns. 1/2 way through, I'm so faint, I barely remember checking out and I make it out to my car. (ENTER SWOON).

I'm actually pretty scared and call Tyler (who has been napping after a rough afternoon at the bar). He offers to pick me up, but in a fit of insanity, I drive home. I call my mother and she yells at me the whole way home (for driving). I get home, strip down and lay down with an ice pack on my chest (it felt good for some reason). The faintness/numbness stays for another hour and then goes away. I laid down for the rest of the day, but was really shaken up. In retrospect, I should have gone to the ER, but am still not sure what happened.

Right now, I'm in Minneapolis, I had to fly here for work. The nausea is still here, but only when I am standing or walking - weird huh? The dizziness has mostly gone, but I must admit, I'm still a little freaked. I think I'll call the nurse in the AM and see if I'm being a nervous nelly.

UPDATE 3/20: Apparently this is totally normal (but LAME) and has everything to do with horomones (doesn't everything). I'm SO happy I'm not having a stroke!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

17 w 1 day - Getting fatter - I mean showing more!

YOU may not be able to tell, but I can. It's more firm and after I dinner it looks like I ate a toddler. Believe it or not, sucking in the top a little.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

17 Weeks - Eats/Naps

Time is starting to move faster along in the pregnancy. Changes are more dramatic both internally and externally - the baby is growing really fast and I'm getting big. i *think* I felt the baby move last night when I pushed down on my uterus and felt a lump that quickly squirmed away. I haven't felt the kicking, but I know the bugger is quite active - whenever I try to find them with my Doppler I have to chase them around. Net - I finally feel pregnant.

The two events that seem to define me in the last week are eating and napping. I eat and I sleep. Baby Bob must be growing leaps and bounds because I took...count 'em...3 naps today after waking up at 10. The kicker is I'm still tired and probably won't have any trouble sleeping tonight.

Three weeks tomorrow is our big ultrasound and we're not finding out the sex. It's amazing how opinionated everyone is on the subject and frankly, people are shocked we're not finding out. It's not even considered quaint, but rather stupid. Whateves.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

My's knackered

I found a link to this on another blog.

I dream about being a great gardener, but after 4 years of having my own garden (not consecutive years), I haven't learned that much. I seem to miss the basics. This series is (4 hrs) from the BBC featuring Alan Titchmarsh and is titled "How to be a Gardner."

We'll see if it helps my containers this year!

Hungry Like the Wolf

I ate a half a watermelon in one sitting. For lunch I had a Philly steak from Tat's that I finished in under 2 minutes. That night I had two cucumbers and two bunches of radishes before dinner. I woke up at 1 AM hungry. My appetite has returned after a 4 month holiday and brought a friend with it. Very fortunately, I'm craving lots of fruits and veggies - really anything with a lot of water in in. I've managed to gain 5 lbs this week - imagine how much worse that could be if I were craving hot dogs! :) I actually don't mind although it's embarrassing to eat in front of other people because the food can't get to my mouth fast enough. The baby must be having a major growth spurt and that can only be a good thing.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Back Got Back

It's been over two months since I injured my back. It turns out, I have a herniated or slipped disc that makes my list to the right and pinches my sciatic nerve. I've been doing physical therapy which helps with pain management, but I haven't actually healed yet. After a long week which included a trip to Las Vegas, my back is tweaked again leaving to another day of working from home. My boss loves this - 3 pregnant managers, one who is about to give birth any second and one with reoccurring back problems. Lucky guy. :)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

This I believe (I really do!)

On the way to work today, I heard one a fabulous "This I Believe" piece on NPR - it made me smile through an hour of traffic and it's one I hope I don't forget. It's not earth shattering, but it confirms (in a more elegant way than I could ever communicate) what I believe as well.

I believe this is something all of us can do: Try to be happy within the context of the life we are actually living. Happiness is not a situation to be longed for or a convergence of lucky happenstance. Through the power of our own minds, we can help ourselves. This I believe. (Wayne Coyne from Flaming Lips)

You can hear it here

15 weeks 1 day and a little impatience

Last week the flavor of the week was Anxiety, this week it's Impatience.

  • I can't wait to meet baby Bob
  • I can't wait to finish (um, how about start) the nursery
  • I can't wait to finish this freaking house
  • I can't wait for the chaos at work to die down
  • I can't wait to really look pregnant and not just fat (although this week is better than last!)
  • I can't wait for the "pregnancy glow" vs crappy skin, blah blah blah

I'm feeling very impatient these days and there is not a darn thing I can do about any of it. Is this one of the 12 steps to getting to motherhood?

Monday, February 19, 2007

Fat or pregnant

Ok - so maybe I'm a little obsessive with the babycenter boards. I've NEVER been a bbs troller...we'll hardly ever...not since the days of Prodigy when it was the only way to connect with anyone. It's been great b/c I can ask questions to women who are all due around the same time and experiencing the same thing, but I have to say, I'm going a little OTT. I've decided that I can only check BC from home and ideally not every day. I feel like I'm on a BC diet, but sometimes a girl needs to just live her life.

I finally did a belly shot - this is 14 weeks, 1 day. Tyler has not been very helpful in this arena so I did one myself. It's a little dark, but it brings up the unfortuate question - fat or pregnant?

14 weeks

A major milestone - offically in the second trimester at 14 weeks today! I certainly feel a million times better than I did. Nasuea is gone and I feel like I've woken up from a funk. My back is healing and all in all, it's a lot better. I'm hoping the exhaustion goes soon as well - I could nap like a super-star every day (4 hours yesterday!). I have a home doppler so I can hear the hearbeat, but it doesn't seem to abate the overwhelming anxiety. Apparently this is normal - horray, another level of stress to add to my persona - mommy hysteria!

Tyler is back from the islands and has grand plans to move back. I'm not so sure that would work for me year round, but it would be lovely if we were free enough to work remotely and live there seasonally. One idea is to buy a rental property for us to stay in, but also to generate revenue. Who knows - it's all sunshine dreams right now.

Fun news is we picked out a crib - it sort of makes the whole thing a little more real. It will be wonderful to start redoing the nursery and hopefully we'll soon. There is still so much to be done on the's pretty overwhelming. Keep your fingers crossed that we'll get a decent return this year to help with those final projects. :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

All is well...

All is well - u/s is normal and I need to not stress and pretty much learn to relax. I'm going to try and keep normal office hours and keep my blood pressure down and hopefully minimize any cramping/spotting. Clients have a unique power to make me crazy. Luckily, I have a great boss and so far, working from home hasn't affected my productivity.

Happy Valetines day Bob and baby bob! My Bob (aka Tyler) is in St. Croix enjoying friends, sun and I'm pretty sure some rum. He's reliving his fun years before he had a wife, mortgage and now baby. I just hope he comes back.

Baby bob and I are just hanging out waiting for him to get home. I think we will celebrate tonight with some pinapple and orange slices for dinner and perhaps some ice cream for dessert.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fear and Excitement of Pregnancy

Well pregnancy is fascinating and astoundingly stressful. Every body creak or pain is amplified to certain death. I am hyper-sensitive to changes in my body and basically I'm obsessed. It's like I have to provide myself (and other around me, which I'm sure is fascinating) a running commentary on my body changes. Tyler mostly listens, but it's not necessarily for his benefit as it is my need to state the wonder of everything going on. So while I've never been such a ninny, I've also never been so excited. The irony is I say this as I'm on 24 bed-rest after cramping and a panicked call to the triage nurse.