Friday, January 16, 2009

19w 2d and a wee bit of drama

We had our big ultrasound on Tuesday! This wee one is like a Mexican jumping bean and was using my uterus as a spring board. The poor tech could barely get the pictures she needed. Piper wasn't nearly as active and I am a little nervous about when I can start to really feel all that activity. Good news is the baby is very healthy, very active and right on, if not a little ahead, of schedule.

At the end of the appointment, the tech reviews everything with the Doctor while we wait in the room. The Doctor comes back in and indicates I should lay back down - I know at this point something is wrong. She zooms in, not on the baby, but on the placenta. The unfun news - they look at lots of things during the ultrasound including the placenta. I have a history of accreta so I asked them to be on the lookout for any signs. Well - not only did they find indicators for accreta (nothing concrete though) but I have Complete Placenta Previa. Damn and double damn. From what little I know at this point of CPP, this is not good for a few reasons 1) it's a pretty strong indicator that I'll have accreta again, 2) CPP puts mom at risk for pre-term labor and 3) it's an automatic c-section.

We head over to Dr. Hannon after our u/s and at this point I just want to know what it all means. Dr H indicates that I will most likely be going on bedrest at 28 weeks and after telling her of all my contractions, she tells me to slow down and prepare for a modified work schedule. UGH. A billion things are going through my head and I leave w/o asking many questions. At this point, I'm trying to plan for discussing with my boss, figuring out what childcare would look like, how we could afford for me to take time off and god forbid, what if I deliver a baby early.

So - now we wait. I'm having contractions and have been home from work for the last two days with a combo stomach bug. I'm actually heading into the doctor right now to make sure everything is ok.

I'm sure this little bean would like to cook a little longer and I'll do everything I can to make sure he/she does.

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